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文章于 2021年9月25日 被检测为删除。

摘要 | 許蔚:《真君背後的真君:許遜信仰文本中的施岑信仰潛流、施岑降筆的正典化以及許遜神格的下降與在地化》

轉載 川大老子研究院 2021-02-06















The Perfected Lord Behind the Perfected Lord:

Undercurrents of Shi Cen’s Beliefs in Xu Xun’s Religious Texts, the Canonization of Shi Cenś authorship, and the Decline and Localization of Xu Sun’s Divinity


Xu Wei



The religious background and local environment that informed the Xishan Xu zhenjun bashiwu hualu 西山許真君八十五化錄, a text formulated by the spirit writing of Shi Cen 施岑, is well worth consideration. On the one hand, an undercurrent of Shi Cen beliefs always existed in the region of Lake Poyang 鄱陽湖. On the other, during the Chunyou 淳祐 reign period (1241-1252) of the Southern Song (1127-1279), the Chongzhen daoyuan 崇真道院, located in the vicinity of Tianqing guan 天慶觀 in Jinling City 金陵 (Nanjing), became a center associated with Xu Xun's theophany. Soon afterward, it split, and the Yongwu daoyuan 勇悟道院 was established as a new temple in the Jiahui 嘉會 ward as the location of Shi Cen's theophany. These two Daoist temples were merged in the Yuan dynasty to become the Wuzhen daoyuan 悟真道院, where both Shi Cen and Xu Xun were enshrined and worshipped. From these micro-changes in religious geography, we can glimpse the appeal behind this tradition, as well as its path to canonization. Similar to this Southern Song example is the text Putian fuzhu yanxuan fachan 普天福主演玄法懺, formed in the early years of the Republic of China and composed through spirit-writing associated with Shi Cen. The formation of this repentance text was related to the Phoenix Assembly (luanhui 鸞會) activities (spirit-writing) that arose in the late Qing. Xu Sun was conferred the title Putian fuzhu 普天福主 by spirit writing, which reflects the standardization and localization of Xu Sun in local religious beliefs. Due to the long-term disruptions in this tradition itself, at the time, the acting abbots of Xishan wanshougong 西山萬壽宮and Nanchang wanshougong 南昌萬壽宮, quickly promoted the Putian fuzhu yanxuan fachan, which had been the popular text in Fengcheng 豐城 area. Thus, it was canonized as the significant liturgical text of Jingming Dao 凈明道.



  • Xishan Xu zhenjun bashiwu hualu 


  • Putianfuzhu yanxuan fachan 


  • Shi Cen 施岑, 

  • Xu Sun 許遜, 

  • spirit writing



  • 許 蔚|真君背後的真君:

    許遜信仰文本中的施岑信仰潛流、施岑降筆的正典化以及許遜神格的下降與在地化  1

  • 祁 剛|祖師與地主:民間道壇歷史的文本構成

    ──以浙江泰順南部為例  45

  • 李志誠|當代中國道教的跨地域網絡建構:

    以1980 年代至今香港及澳門道教與中國內地的交流為中心  75

  • 王坤利|觸君父的至德元帥:論太歲神殷郊的形象問題  115

撰稿格式  151

稿約  155

Call for Papers  157

